Skilled Wound Care


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About the Organization

Skilled Wound Cares mission is to transform the chronic wound care model in the nursing facility, in order to better patients lives, empower nurses, and raise public awareness. SWC's goal is to give long-term care nurses the right education and support to stay up to date on the latest wound treatments. Our expert physician rounds give patients the best chance to heal. Chronic wounds, which result from pressure, diabetes, or vascular disease have become an epidemic in the United States; SWCs true expert providers allow for the proper identification and treatment of these wounds in the nursing facility setting. Patients in nursing facilities need the right collaborative care in order to heal their wounds, relieve their pain and suffering, prevent hospital readmissions, and overall health decline. Breaking the traditional model of nurse follows doctor, SWC empowers nurses to heal patients in collaboration with physicians and physician extenders. Together, SWC's nurse and nursing home partners are positively transforming traditional nursing home wound care.

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